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Utility first

01 U56

Solar first (default)

01 506

Output source priority:

To configure load power source priority

SBU priority

01 560

Utility will provide power to the loads as first priority.

Solar and battery energy will provide power to the loads only when utility power is not available.

Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority.

If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, utility will supply power to the loads at the same time.

Battery provides power to the loads only when any one condition happens:

Solar energy and utility is not available.

- Solar energy is not sufficient and utility is not available.

Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority.

If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, battery energy will supply power to the loads at the same time.

Utility provides power to the loads only when battery voltage drops to either low-level warning voltage or the setting point in program 12.